Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Ever apply for a payday loan online? LOL!

Ever apply for a payday loan online? LOL!

It's no laughing matter and I feel you pain if you have.

In fact I recently fell for one of those Spam Emails that we all typically get.

You know the ones? "Need money now?" "Get your payday loan here right now in as little as an hour!"

The kicker is, I know better then to go this route, but hey I was desperate and I figured, well it's worth a try the worst that could happen is they would say no.

So I filled out the form and hit submit and low and behold I was instantly approved for $1000.00…."Whoo Hooo!" Keep in mind I only wanted like $200.00 because I could comfortably pay that back even with the ridiculously high interest rate.

Now, here's where it get's fun ;-)…..

I'm now getting well over 50 phone calls a day starting at 5am my time, which is PST until 9pm at night. "So the calls are clearly coming from out of state.

But they all have the same message...

I have been "approved" for a loan. But they ask me all the same information like, when do you get paid next are you employed, how much do you make each payday, yada yada.

Now after the first 10 calls I got denied every single time, but I did get offered a $5000.00 loan if I paid a $250 dollar service fee upfront first???

If I had $250….I wouldn't be needing a loan O.M.G. LOL!!! So wait it get's even better :-)

After the first few days of this nonsense I started getting really irritated so I started having a little fun with these folks.

"Oh by the way, I can usually barely understand these people because their english is really bad, so that's kinda where I mess with some of them" ;-)

I can handle an accent, but when I "really" can't understand you and you get mad at me and you are calling "ME" in my country uuh well you know LOL!!!

The other part of this is, I have yet to hear from anybody other then this "Specific Nationality" contact me about a loan. So what does that tell ya?

Oh wait I'm getting one of their calls now, I'll tell you about it in the next post stay tuned cause your really going to like this series ;-) No Joke !

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