Thursday, November 20, 2014

I've Been Super Busy

Hey Guys,

I know it's been a long while since I've been here but I've been super busy with project after project and just life in general. I hope I haven't lost some of you over the last few months. If so, I completely understand.

Anyways, I've been working in the studio on some new material as well as doing some remixing of some of my older music as well. Now I'm at the point of trying to figure out what to keep and what to trash for my upcoming CD / MP3 uploads.

I've also been working on a combined project with YouTube and a MMA game that I've been playing in what little spare time I have. I'll be posting some of those videos here reall soon. They are a lot of fun and I think your going to enjoy seeing them.

They are only a few minutes long so be looking out for those.

Well that's all for now until next time.

Have a good one :-)


P.S. That's my new MMA Pose in the picture there LOL!

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