Thursday, June 20, 2013

So I guess I'm officially back in the studio again, kinda......You see I have been having some major technical issues with my PC.

I built this tower back in like 98 specifically for all my music stuff, but since then, I've used the computer for more then just music.

I started using it for everything because it wasn't the main computer in the house being used. My wife or kids were always on the house computer so I started loading stuff on my music computer. Since then I have injured my back severely and can know longer work as a plumber. "And yes I was using the same computer for my plumbing company too....."

I know shame on me, but in any case, I'm dusting off all the old equipment and beginning to record again. Only problem is now my PC dosen't play my music software correctly anymore since I was dumb enough to upgrade to Vista....Computer hasn't been the same since.

So now I have to completely scrub the drive and re install a fresh copy of win 98 and then load all my music software again...Thus loosing all my music tracks and bookmarks, unless I want to copy and paste and make backup copies of everything. Gonna be a fun evening, but at least the blue screen didn't completely wipe out my whole computer like it has been prone to do.

I remember the good old days of just recording into the tracking machine and just doing overdubs that way, but computers allow you to cut and paste and loop specific tracks, So I guess I gotta get this fixed until I can figure out how to do all this on my Mac since it's supposed to be way better for music and video, but man it's such a learning curve going from PC to Mac.

Once I get all this figured out, I'll start putting some of my music up on the blog for listening and some feed back so stay tuned as I get this all worked out. ;-)

P.S. I've had this cheesy blog for a while and will most likely get an official website like everyone else, but hey I'm a musician and investor not a web designer, and blogger makes it so easy for anyone to put up a Blog so this is my official web site for now........Man Technology LOL!!!

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